FGI News and Publications

UK Visa Extensions Impact From Covid-19

The Home Office last evening announced measures to extend leave

up to 31 May for those individuals currently

affected by the restrictions or self-isolation. Anyone whose leave

expires between 24 January 2020 and 31 May 2020,

and is unable to leave the country ahead of their visa expiry, must

contact the dedicated Coronavirus Immigration Team (CIT) via CIH@homeoffice.gov.uk. In doing so, their

records will be updated and they will be issued with a visa

extension until the end of May.

‘Switching’ extended

To help those who want to apply for visas to stay in the UK

long-term, the Home Office is also temporarily expanding their

in-country switching provisions.

Applications where you would usually need to apply for a visa

from your home country can currently be applied for via the UKVI

‘in-country’ online submission process. The same visa

requirements and UK application fees will apply. Since applications

may take longer than usual due to COVID-19 related operational

pressures, an individual’s leave will remain in tact until

their application is decided.

Compliance requirements temporarily lifted

In light of the current advice on self-isolation and social

distancing, the Home Office also announced it is waiving a number

of requirements on visa sponsors, such as allowing non-EU nationals

here under work or study routes to undertake their work or study

from home.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.

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